Clara Jost

Artist, filmmaker, film editor

Other work



Portrait Of A Displaced Bicycle

This piece was made in the context of the Experimental Laboratory of Contemporary Art “Em Obras”, promoted by Zaratan - Arte Contemporânea in Lisbon.  It was shown in the group exhibition “Em Obras” at Zaratan’s gallery. 

Short description in the flyer: 
This bike marks the most visible change that happened to me after living in Belgium. “Le plat pays”, Jacques Brel called it. There, he said it was necessary to forgive the gray sky. Here, in Lisbon, maybe it’s the hills.

This piece originated from a proposal by Pedro Gramaxo to think of a place where we had been, that somehow was important for us. I chose Belgium, the country where I lived for three years and gained my independence for the first time. 
We then had to bring to Zaratan an artifact that would represent that place. I chose the bicycle I bought in Lisbon, after acquiring the habit of moving around by bicycle (something more common in Ghent, where I first lived). 
Then, we had to create a piece based on that object. I used the dyanmo light of the bicycle to create a lamp that would illuminate photos of it. On the back of the photos, I wrote memories of my time in Belgium, that are related to the use of the bicycle. These memories, each in their own way, changed me.

2024, Floor/table lamp with bicycle dynamo light, Mobile with 6 photos (4 with writings on the back), Variable Dimensions