Clara Jost

Artist, filmmaker, film editor

Other work


Au hasard, Cinema
In 2022, under the mentorship of Stoffel Debuysere, I wrote Au hasard, Cinema: Thoughts on the location of cinema in space and time, a master thesis at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts - KASK (Ghent, Belgium).

Short description: 
Personal, intimate ruminations on the location of cinema in the black box or the white cube. I question the shape of my own creative work with moving image, while formulating reflections evoked by texts of Erika Balsom, Walter Benjamin, Hito Steyerl, among others. This thesis also reflects on my personal experiences in exhibitions featuring audiovisual works by Lucy Raven, Julian Rosefeldt and Hito Steyerl.

📩Those who’d like to read it can ask me for a copy via the email form.

❇️ I’m currently expanding this project in a series of monthly chronicles hosted by the website À pala de Walsh.

           Link here (only in portuguese for the moment):
Text, 36 pages with images